The Basics of Quid Pro Quo Harassment – Definition and Examples

Silhouettes of three people in a workplace setting having a heated discussion with sunlight streaming through a large window

The term “quid pro quo” translates literally to “this for that,” reflecting an exchange of benefits or favors. In the workplace, Quid Pro Quo Harassment concept often turns darker when linked to harassment. It involves the misuse of power, where professional opportunities or threats hinge on inappropriate demands. Understanding this issue is crucial as it … Read more

What Is the Difference Between Violence and Abuse?

What Is the Difference Between Violence and Abuse

Violence and abuse are often seen as interchangeable, but they are distinct in important ways. Violence is typically a single act that causes harm, while abuse is a repeated pattern of behavior aimed at controlling or manipulating someone. The overlap between the two can cause confusion, yet understanding their differences is crucial. Both are harmful, … Read more